New version 0.1.6 alpha
What's new:
- Improved compatibility with MIUI 8 - namely implemented all volume tweaks.
- Re-factor the function "Smart notification panel expand mode" in the system interface tweaks. Now it is more customizable and works with swipe anywhere on the screen (but if you use standard Launcher) not only from the top.
- Added option to disable the Launcher tweaks.
- Added option to "Swipeable call log items" in the dialer tweaks. When you activate it, you can do swipe left / right on the call log elements. When you swipe right it will call the contact. When you swipe left open icon to quickly send SMS and access to the installed messenger (if the contact uses these messenger or messengers allow you to make any action with the current contact, such as Viber allows you to make call to any of the contact phone numbers...). To do this, by the way, it was not quite simply...
- Added "Call log item click action" in the dialer tweaks. It allows to set action that will be performed by call lo item click.
- Added the ability to turn on phone screen when you receive a notification when you use a custom theme lock screen.
- Fixed a bug leading to the ability to perform actions hardware buttons on the lock screen.
- Added vibration when switching audio tracks by volume buttons when the screen is off.
- Added the ability to assign the default SIM card to a phone number in the contacts. When this option is activated in the contact card near the phone number icon appears displaying the selected SIM card. By clicking on this icon you can change the default SIM card for this phone number. If the SIM card is assigned to the default, the call from the call log (click / swipe) and a call from a contact by clicking on the phone number will be immediately assigned to the SIM card. If you make a call from a "quick contact" (appears by clicking on the photo in the call log items) will be a normal request for a SIM card. This is done especially, just in case.
- Added ability to select the notifications dismiss mode by swipe on notifications on the lock screen.
- Added option to hide the app icon in the Launcher.
- Added ability to change the text color and shadow of the icon labels in the Launcher.
- Added the ability to display an extended power menu.
- Improved compatibility with a variety of different phones firmware (in particular Redmi 3).
- Added the ability to choose the display mode of the call buttons in dialer. It allows display only one call button attached to a specific SIM card.
- Added the ability to not cut the photo of contact during an incoming call.
- Fixed problem with missing the Google Smart Lock menu in MIUI 8 (if "Enable support of Google Smart Lock" option activated in the module then - corresponding menu appears in the system settings).
- Expanded time-out values for the delay between switching off phone screen and turning on the screen lock.
- Added the ability to assign a button on the dialer from 2 to 9 numbers and SIM cards for make call by long-press the buttons (the so-called "quick call").
- Added ability to remove from the opened notification panel the search bar on the MIUI 8.
- Added ability to change the background color and transparency of the notification panel 8 on MIUI.
- Added the ability to assign the launch application to the actions carried out by pressing the hardware buttons.
- Added the ability to assign applications to run on swipe up in the Launcher instead of search action (works also on a global firmware, where no search by swipe up). alpha.apk